"Get more done on your book in 7 days than you’ve done in the last 7 years!"
  • Smash through writers’ blocks and go from blank page to published in 7 days or less.
  • ​Slash the time to write a book from months to days with worksheets and templates that take the guesswork out of writing a book
  • ​Whip your book out lightning fast with the help of Jarvis the AI copywriting assistant
  • ​Get more clients, customers, and consulting gigs faster than ever by becoming the Go-To Expert
  • ​Make your book as appetizing as a steak dinner to somebody who hasn’t eaten in 7 days on the Amazon marketplace with our cover design templates.
  • ​Extract the book that’s been sitting in your head for years and finally hold it in your hand.
  • ​Bring your ideal customers to you on a silver platter by helping them solve their problem through your book
  • ​Save time and don’t waste money by getting access to the best professional Rolodex of editors, designers, publishers

Zachariah Stratford

Zachariah Stratford is one of the Managing Partners at TheBookPatch.com which has been publishing since 2009, with over 60,000 books published, and millions of copies printed.

Working for years helping Authors publish their books at The Book Patch, Zachariah saw first hand how difficult it is for people to actually hit the publish button and start selling their books.

That was the reason for working with Darby to create this 7 day challenge. 

To take people from blank page to published in under 7 days.


Here's What Our Challenge Grads
Have to Say

Michael Hale - 7 Day Challenge Grad
Struggled to Write A Book For Over 10 Years

"If it wasn't for them and the 7 day book challenge, I would not be able to call myself an Author"

"Thanks to one of the gentleman who came on board I was able to bang out my book like in under an hour. That removed close to 5 years of work when I was trying to do it on my own"

Natalie Tischler - 7 Day Challenge Grad
"Lifelong Dream Achieved"

"Writing book was always something I thought would be cool to do, but not until I was 50 or had "enough" expertise. 

The 7 Day Book Challenge made it doable! It was like a "rip the Band-Aid off and JUST DO IT challenge!"

Tyler Shaule - 7 Day Challenge Grad
Now a Published Author!!

"I think format of a challenge is great. That's the way to do it. The accountability was nice! To be a part of a cohort of people moving forward in the challenge together... that was fun!"
Learn How to Use State of the Art AI Technology to Smash Through Writers Block
"I had wanted to write a book for years but was never able to get it out of my head. 

When I started using AI, everything changed. The tools I found helped me smash through my writers' block and put my expertise onto paper. 

Not a full-blown novel, but a foundation I was proud to present to potential clients to share my story. 

Now, after seeing what other author's have been able to accomplish using these same tools, I want to help 1000 more authors get their book out of their head and into the world. 

It all starts with The 7 Day Book Challenge." 

- Darby Rollins, The 72 Hour Author

Darby Rollins: Course Creator

6 Best Selling Authors Teach You Their Secrets 
I know just learning how to use the AI to smash through your writers block and finish your book is an AMAZING course by itself!

But I wanted to give you more!

What else would you need to absolutely crush this challenge? 

How about Best Selling Authors Coaching you?

We are bringing on some of the BEST Authors and marketers in the world to teach you their secrets!!

Learn more about them below!!!

Meet Your Coaches!

...There are literally NO MORE EXCUSES!!!

Matthew Thrush - 200+ Best Selling Books 

Matthew has written 200+ bestselling books to date. He and his partners have launched 1-,000+ books and authors to the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Times, or Amazon Best-Seller lists. He hosts 3-day workshops teaching authors, experts, coaches, consultants, practitioners, speakers, & thought leaders how to turn their ideas into a Bestselling Idea, map out and outline their book, and write it in just a weekend. For those wanting a more turnkey and white glove experience, Matthew provides a Done-For-You option for a limited number of qualified clients each year that I partner with to write their book and/or launch it to Best Seller.

Michael Alden - 3x WSJ & USA Today Best Selling Author

CEO, entrepreneur and 3 time Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling author. He was named by the Boston Business Journal as one of Boston’s “40 Under 40” and was a winner of SmartCEOs Future 50 awards based on his accomplishment of growing a multi-million dollar marketing firm ranked by Inc. Magazine for three years in a row as one of the nation’s 5000 fastest-growing private companies. 

His internationally best selling books are Ask More, Get More, 5% More and Blueprint to Business.

Ron Lynch - 4 Billion Dollar Man - Best Selling Author

He's had a hand in GoPro, OxiClean, Samsung Powerbot Vacuums, Rug Doctor and hundreds of consumer goods from day one launch. He can teach your customers how to become exponential selling machines through truth, demonstrations and results.

His background is launching over 70 brands and 300 products and see how we have become industry leaders in perfecting financial models online before moving to television to maximize speed to market and explosive growth for your innovation. 

John S. Rhodes - Published Over 140 Books 

John has written and published over 140 books. For the last 12 years he has done professional work in direct marketing, business strategy and improving the customer experience. John believes you can make more money and grow your business using my simple systems, practical outsourcing methods and proven internet marketing strategy.

Craig Handley - Best Selling Author

An entrepreneur, speaker, musician, and philanthropist. 
He believes in “living life like an extreme sport.”

An expert in Hispanic Marketing, Direct Response Marketing, and Sales and Brand expansion, Handley is the CEO and founder of the hugely successful “Listen Up Espanol,” which was named #1 in Business Products and Service (#27 overall) on Inc. Magazine’s 500/5000 list. Handley’s businesses employ over 1,000 employees and have cumulatively done over 500 million in sales within the last five years to Hispanics in the USA.

Justin Breen - Best Selling Author

Author of "Epic Business" is the No. 1 International Best Selling book written by BrEpic Founder/CEO Justin Breen. The book, which launched May 7 and was an Amazon Best Seller in the US, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Australia and Japan, details how Breen founded BrEpic and turned it into a public relations powerhouse working with amazing visionary clients around the world. It reveals 30 secrets Breen learned from some of the world's top entrepreneurs and how he applied them to building his company.

Dan Schwartz - Millionaire Real Estate Coach

Dan has helped thousands of real estate entrepreneurs systemize their business. After learning the hard way growing his own real estate business, he created InvestorFuse and the 8020 Investor Academy to help investors automate the messy stuff and focus on what matters.

As a master of systems and process in business, Dan is applying his knowledge to help you organize your thoughts and get your book to the finish line.

"It's Time to Get That Idea Out of Your Head and Into a Finished Book"

Running an Online Publishing Company, I like to keep up to date on the latest and greatest when it comes to publishing and writing.

When my good friend Darby started posting on Facebook about this AI writing platform for copywriting and sales copy I was intrigued to say the least.

He then wrote a book in 72 hours and launched a 7 day book writing challenge for a very small, select group of entrepreneurs friends of ours.

I was in! I have about 5 different book ideas in my head that I had never done anything with. Here was my chance!! I had to get at least one done!

Which one did I pick!? You will find out when you take this course!

After completing the BETA challenge and seeing that 13 other regular people (not Authors) completed their course, I had to bring it to the other Authors and the world!

So we re-packaged the course, added a TON of content and support for you, brought in some Best Selling Authors to help coach and teach, and VOILA!!!! 

That's what you're getting here!!!

Darby Rollins: AI Writing Instructor

Darby is an entrepreneur, author, and drummer living in Austin, Texas. He's spent the better part of his entrepreneurial journey helping brands tell their story, build relationships, and ultimately sell more products. When he's not nerding out on marketing or using AI to empower people to write books, he's drumming or search the streets of Austin for the next-best taco truck in town. After challenging himself to write a book in a weekend and then another just after in 24 hours, he's set a goal to help 1000 more people in 2021 write, edit, and publish books using AI.
Wrote 2 Books in 72 Hours!
A Book Writing Course, on Steroids

Here's What You're Getting

Jarvis Underground: 7-Day Book Writing Challenge - Using AI
- This challenge is the challenge you've been waiting for to complete your book! 
- Includes daily calls to keep your eye on the prize and keep you motivated.
- Expert Coaches take you from idea in your head to published book in 7 days
- Coaching Credentials: 6 Best Selling Authors and $4 Billion in product sales
- Private Facebook Group for group members to ask questions and get support while the challenge is live

Private Jarvis Underground Facebook Community: 
- Find your accountabilibuddy in this group!! It already includes Graduates from the 7 day challenge and Best Selling Authors ready to connect and guide you through this challenge. 

Access to Jarvis Underground Digital Workbook
- We're giving you a fully editable, online digital workbook to follow along with as you do the course. Make easy edits and changes if you need to down the road and always see the map ahead!!

3D Book Cover Creation on Completion of Challenge
- Market like the Pro you are with this 3d book cover! Once your book cover is complete we will take it and turn into a 3d version for you to use throughout your marketing.

10,000 Words on Conversion.ai to Complete Your Book
- Use this cutting-edge AI platform to its full potential! We're giving everyone who signs up 10,000 BONUS credits on Conversion.ai so you can focus on completing the challenge and not the credits in your account.

For Only $97.00
YES... for about the price of a dinner out, you can get access to a framework that takes knowledge from 6 Best Selling Authors, experience from 13 years in Publishing, and over 60,000 published books... 

"Using Jarvis is Like Having Your Own Ghostwriter"
Here are just SOME of the services available to you on through the Conversion.ai Writing Platform:
  • ​Creative Writing
  • ​Marketing Angles
  • ​Product Descriptions
  • ​Content Improving
  • ​Blog Post Topic Ideas
  • ​Blog Post Outlines
  • ​Intro Paragraphs
  • ​Creative Story
  • ​​ Sentence Expanding
  • ​Facebook ad Headlines
  • ​Facebook Ad Primary 
  • ​Youtube Topic Ideas
  • ​Youtube Descriptions
  • ​Product Features
  • ​Product Descriptions
  • ​Personal Bio
When You Get Your Ticket for "The 7 Day Book Challenge"(For Just $97.00)
You'll Get All Of These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus #1 - Jarvis Underground Facebook Community
"Exclusive 7 Day Challenge Community"
Total Value: $297
One of the key factors for success in this challenge will be engaging in a community of like minded individuals, challengers, graduates, and even some Best Selling Authors I know that will be in this group. Use this community as your resource and hub to get you through this challenge. This group might even be your first customers!!
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The 7 Day Book Challenge' Today! 
Bonus #2 - Jarvis Underground Digital Workbook
Fully Digital E-Workbook
Total Value: $149
The key strategy here is you don't waste ANY time! We have created a super easy to use digital workbook for you to fill out, use throughout the course and re-use for your next book. This guide is fun to use and will keep you on track.
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The 7 Day Book Challenge' Today! 
Bonus #3 -  3D Book Cover Creation
"Killer 3D Cover Creation"
Total Value: $50
Market like the Pro you are with this 3d book cover! Once your book cover is complete we will take it and turn into a 3d version for you to use throughout your marketing.
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The 7 Day Challenge' Today! 
Bonus #4 - 10,000 Words on Conversion.ai to Complete Your Book
The Best NEW AI Writing Tool
Total Value: $19
I hope you are seeing all of the tools that come on this platform! Use the AI platform to its FULL potential without worrying about paying for the membership!! We're giving you access to 10,000 FREE words on Conversion.ai so you can focus on completing the challenge and not on your bank account
Get This For FREE When You Order 'The 7-Day AI Challenge' Today! 
30-DAY Money Back Guarantee
We don’t like wishy-washy, conditional or complicated guarantees, so we’ll keep this simple:
On the rare chance that you’re not satisfied with our 7 Day AI Challenge, just contact us and you’ll get your money back, hassle-free.

We’d be shocked if this is the case...but if you’re not happy, drop us a line. You’ll get your money back and we can still be friends.

You Must Act Fast!
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Here's One Last Recap Of Everything You'll Get today When You Order The 7 day Book Challenge.
YES Zachariah! Give Me Instant Access To The 7 Day Book Writing Challenge RIGHT NOW For Just $97!
  Jarvis Underground: 7 Day Book Writing Challenge - Using AI (Value $497)
  Full Access To The Private Challenge Community (Value $297)
  Access to Jarvis Underground Digital Workbook (Value $149)
  3D Book Cover Creation on Completion of Challenge (Value $50)
  10,000 Words on Conversion.ai to Complete Your Book (Value $19)
Total Value: $1,012!!!!
Today For $97
YES Zachariah! Give Me Instant Access To 
Jarvis Underground: The 7 Day Book Challenge
RIGHT NOW For Just $97.00 !
Don't Wait! Your Challenge Starts Soon
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
 Step #1: Contact Information
 Step #2: Billing Address
 Step #3: Checkout
Everything You're Going To Get
  • Jarvis Underground: 7 Day Book Challenge - Using AI (Value $497)
  • Full Access To The Private Facebook Community (Value $297)
  • Jarvis Underground: 7 Day Book Challenge Workbook (Value $97)
  • 3D Book Cover Creation (Value $49)
  • 10,000 Words in Conversion.a1 (Value $19)
Total Value: $1,012.00
Today For $97
Item Price
Items Total
Dynamically Updated $XX.00
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© Jarvis Underground

Jarvis Underground  is a website and That teaches people how to write and use AI. We make no claims or representation that by using Jarvis Underground  you will earn money or make your money back. This video presentation and the testimonials and are hereby used for educational and exemplary purposes only, they are not intended to incite sales. While they may show real experiences from paying users of Jarvis Underground , their business’s results are not typical, and your business’s experience will vary based upon the effort and education of your business’s employees and management, the business model that is implemented, and market forces beyond anyone’s control.
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